Frequently asked questions
How long does the result of Bichectomy stay?
Buccal fat removal gives permanent results, as the buccal fat pads are totally removed. The contour achieved therein will remain for quite some time, but the overall facial features may be affected long-term by natural aging and lifestyle factors.
Will There Be Any Visible Scars after Bichectomy or Buccal Fat Removal?
No, the cuts for buccal fat removal are made inside the mouth and hence do not leave any scar mark from the outside. The good work of Dr. Tolga Çakıl allows having incisions as smooth as possible, hidden, giving a very natural outlook.
Does it hurt to get a Bichectomy (Buccal Fat Removal)?
Since the surgery can be performed under local anesthesia, one is comfortable during this period. Generally, there is not much post-operative discomfort, and the same can be treated with prescribed medications if needed.
How much time in Istanbul is recommended after Bichectomy or Buccal Fat Removal?
Patients are advised to stay in Istanbul for 2-3 days after the operation for follow-ups, and follow-ups will definitely improve the most desirable results. After this duration, patients can comfortably return to their homes.
After how long can I return to normal activities following Bichectomy, Buccal Fat Removal?
Most patients are able to return to their normal daily activities within a few days following surgery, but most surgeons recommend refraining from heavy activities for about one week in order to allow the wound to heal properly. Dr. Çakıl will counsel you regarding specific recommendations on activity limitations related to your particular progress after surgery.